
Please feel free to contact us anytime

If you have questions, please fill out the necessary information on the form below and click "Confirm".
※This contact form is for only resident in Japan. If you are resident in Taiwan or Korea, please contact our partners below. We apologize that we can not respond to inquiries from outside Japan, Taiwan, Korea at the moment.


■Taiwan : 正全義肢復健器材(股)有限公司 http://www.ccpo.com.tw/
台湾 111 台北市士林區承德路四段186號3号


■Taiwan : 永純義肢股份有限公司 http://www.ycpo.tw/
台湾 高雄市三民區九如一路539號


■Korea : Sunglim Trading co. http://sunglimtrading.com/


About handling personal information

Personal information entered in the inquiry form is used only for providing information on our products and services, we will not disclose or offer to third parties.

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